2012年5月23日 星期三


The Beatles Collection:

I can't remember the last time I had a collection post published. These posts are really fun to do, mainly because they're about things people totally love, and for this one, I was trying to figure something like that, and then it came to my mind.

The Beatles. People love them. I that's enough for me. And it should be enough for you too. Here, enjoy some Beatles. And don't forget to visit these pages for original works. And since the Beatles don't need introduction, I'm done with this paragraph, so here's some lorem ipum to fill it: dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Cheers! ;)

Beatle Stockings Label 1964

Beatles pillowfight

"Beatles '63"

Beatles - The Miracle

Beatles / Yellow Submarine

Beatles singing

Beatles at the Beeb

Beatles at 222 Euston Road

Nothing special, just an old CD "The Beatles".

The Beatles on the balcony of the Hotel St George, Wellington

Beatles Monthly No.05 Dec 1963 Front Cover

Beatles-standee_part (3)

Beatles Bowling Pins at black dog Records

Beatles Monthly No.04 Nov 1963 Front Cover

The Beatles

Beatles album cover

Pram Beatles

the beatles

The Beatles versão Tititoon!





Los Beatles Poster


The Beatles!

Beatles  Statues

The Beatles!

Beatles 1963

Beatles Minimates

The Beatles

The Beatles

The Beatles

Happy Beatles

The Beatles

Beatles For Sale

Beatles in Amsterdam 1964

Beatles Harmonica

Beatles Mural in Seaforth

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

The Beatles Collection

About the author

Hello, everyone! I'm Paulo Gabriel, designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil, born in 1984. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you... and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.