1. Becky
Top 17 Favorite Bird Photos:
For the month of May, we asked our Flickr group members to use their creativity in capturing the birds in their world. Below is our top 17 favorite photos we gathered from the submissions to our Flickr group.
If you want to comment on an individual photograph click on an image to be taken to it directly on Flickr. We all appreciate the feedback. You can find out more about our flickr group here.
In no particular order…
2. begumidast

3. KFrench

4. pr2is

6. tciriello

7. Shamrockah

8. purpleface

9. Jill Sawyer Phypers

10. Seldom Scene Photography

11. Rhonda Parrish

12. Navicore

13. piet-psch


15. Yael P

16. csabatokolyi

17. csabatokolyi

Anyone can take part in our monthly Flickr themes! Check out our previous themes and find out more: 7×5 Flickr group page.