35 Tech-inspired Pillows for Geeks:
CtrlAltDel Pillow Set

Geek Pillow

Pillow TV Remote

Funky Dreadlock Pillow

PacMan Pillow

That Is So Dial Up

Hand-knitted QR Code

Floppy Disc Pillow Set

Google Chrome Pillow

Super Geek Pillow

Mac Finder Icon Pillow

Google Plus Icon Pillow

Comfy Pillow for Old Geeks

Facebook Pillow

RSS Icon Pillow

Led Pillow With Wakes Light

iSleep Pillow

iPod Speakers Pillow

Giant iPod Pillow

iPhone-Inspired Pillow

Cushion Control Pillow

Firefox Pillow

Twitter Pillow

Windows Icon Pillow

Facebook "Like" Pillow

Gmail Pillow

Twitter Account Pillow

AT Sign Geekery Pillow

Apple Icon Pillow

iPhone Calendar Icon Pillow

Yahoo! Pillow

Owl iPhone Pillow

ICQ Icon Pillow

White Laptop Pillow